Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

The legitimate, controlled, and informed treatment of your personal data is vital to achieve corporate objectives across all areas of the business and to reaffirm our commitment to your privacy and the right to informational self-determination.

CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ, located at CALLE V, No. Ext. 538, CABO DEL SOL, LOS CABOS, BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, C.P. 23455, hereinafter inform you that this Privacy Notice aims to inform you about the treatment that will be given to your personal data when collected, used, stored, transmitted, and/or transferred by CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ and/or third parties who, by the nature of their work or functions, need to process and/or use your personal data; at CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ, we protect and safeguard the personal data of the Owner to prevent damage, loss, destruction, theft, loss, alteration, as well as unauthorized treatment of the same, always in compliance with the provisions of articles 8, 15, 16, 33, 36, and other related ones of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (the “Law”). For the purposes of this Privacy Notice, Personal Data shall be understood as any information concerning an identified or identifiable natural person. CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ is located at Calle V, No. Ext. 538, Cabo del Sol, Los Cabos, Baja California Sur, C.P. 23455, and is responsible for the processing of personal data collected on this website, so anyone browsing the website will be considered as a USER.

PROTECTION. The protection of data sent over the Internet cannot be guaranteed 100%; therefore, once received, every effort will be made to safeguard the information, ensuring that personal data are processed in accordance with the Law. CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ complies with the following principles: The purposes of the processing of your personal data will be communicated to you, collecting only the necessary data for the fulfillment of these purposes and they will not be used for purposes other than those established in this privacy notice. Adequate maintenance will be carried out to ensure that your personal data are correct and updated, and if it is necessary to retain your data, it will be in accordance with the provisions of the applicable Law. Security measures have been implemented to ensure the protection of your personal data. CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ acknowledges how important privacy is to you, so it informs you that it collects your personal data directly through electronic means, either by browsing this website for the acquisition of the services that are marketed, or by the following means:

INFORMATION WE WILL COLLECT. To carry out the purposes described in this privacy notice, we will collect the following personal data, which are listed in an enunciative but not limited manner: Identification data (name) ||| Contact information (address, email, telephone) ||| Academic data (degree, school) ||| Financial and/or asset data ||| Date, amount, and form of payment of Art purchases ||| Information about your preferences and interests related to the products and services we offer ||| IP address, links followed, and sites visited.

PURPOSES OF THE PROCESSING OF YOUR DATA. The information that CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ may collect is for the purpose of fulfilling the obligations arising from the legal relationship between you as a USER and CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ, so when you decide to register as a USER of our technological tools through the website, social networks, chat, and similar technologies, we may collect such data for the purpose of identifying you and allowing you to log in. If you do not want your personal data to be processed for these purposes, you can communicate this through the email, informing you that the refusal to use your personal data for these purposes cannot be a reason for us to deny the services requested or contracted with us.

LIMITATION OF TREATMENT AND DISCLOSURE OF PERSONAL DATA. The Database of CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ, where the collected information is stored, will keep the information provided by the Owner saved and safeguarded, even if it is modified, updated, or even canceled for any reason. The above is for the purpose of maintaining a record of the Owner and safeguarding their legal interests. The conservation of information mentioned in this paragraph may be deleted or eliminated in its entirety by exercising the ARCO Rights. The processing of your Data will be the one that is necessary, adequate, and relevant in relation to the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice. CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ complies with the principles of Data protection established by the Law and adopts the necessary measures for its processing, even if this data is processed by a third party at the request of CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ.

TRANSFER OF PERSONAL DATA THAT ARE MADE. CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ undertakes to treat the Personal Data as agreed in this Privacy Notice, understanding, however, that it may disclose the Personal Data of the Owner: To those persons deemed appropriate, provided that they enter into a confidentiality agreement in order to protect them and undertake not to disclose them without the express and written authorization of CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ ||| To its collaborators, for the fulfillment of the existing legal relationship ||| To external advisors for whom access to Personal Data is necessary or convenient.

MEANS TO EXERCISE THE RIGHTS OF ACCESS, RECTIFICATION, CANCELLATION OR OPPOSITION. You have the right to revoke the consent given for the processing of your personal data and to exercise your ARCO rights, to: Access your personal data in our possession and the details of its processing; Rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; Cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice or are being used for purposes not consented to or when the contractual or service relationship has ended; Oppose the processing of them for specific purposes. Therefore, to revoke your consent and exercise the aforementioned ARCO Rights, you or your legal representative must submit the respective request by sending an email to the Data Protection Department of CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ, to the address:, which will be answered via email, with 15 natural days to issue this response, in case your request is appropriate, access, rectification, cancellation, or opposition of your data will be granted, within fifteen days following the date on which a response to your request is given.

PROCEDURES FOR BLOCKING AND SEPARATION OF PERSONAL DATA. Once the data has been canceled, CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ will retain the personal data of the Owner for one more month, for clarification purposes and preparation for separation. Once this period has expired, the Personal Data of the Owner will be permanently deleted from the database, and all physical and electronic records related to the Owner will be discarded. Personal data that have served their purposes but cannot be canceled and separated by law or contract will be blocked from the purposes to which they were subject until they can be separated. During this period, Personal Data may not be processed.

REVOCATION OF CONSENT OF THIS NOTICE. Consent may be revoked at any time without retroactive effect. To revoke consent, the Owner must send a written request, with the following requirements: Name ||| Documents proving their identity, which must be official ||| A clear and precise description of the link that the USER has with CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ ||| Provide the documentation supporting the USER’s request ||| Address the request to CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ ||| Prove that the relationship with CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ has ended ||| CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ will issue a response confirming the revocation of consent, or, as the case may be, will indicate the reasoning depending on the specific case, with 15 natural days to issue this response. The deadlines will be counted from the date CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ acknowledges receipt of the request.

PROCEDURE AND MEANS BY WHICH THE RESPONSIBLE PARTY WILL INFORM THE DATA HOLDERS ABOUT CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY NOTICE. CLARISA LUGO RAMÍREZ reserves the right to make modifications or updates to its privacy notice at any time, which will be notified through its website, so we recommend checking them frequently. In the event of a security breach at any stage of the processing of personal data, affecting significantly your patrimonial or moral rights, you will be notified immediately, in accordance with the security protocols established, which will be communicated by email, so that you can take the necessary measures to defend your rights. If you do not have an email, the notification will be published on our website

DATE: 06-03-2024